Mini Bulk Sampling Phase 2 Update

The 2nd phase of mini bulk sampling, consisting of 22 one cubic metre pits from Eastern Reef, Trench 1 and Trench 2 is well underway. The pits have been drilled, blasted and excavated into bulk bags. Assays from the mini bulk samples will provide more accurate grade estimation of the larger scale 50,000 tonne bulk sampling program.

Excavator beside mini bulk sample pit at Eastern Reef

Geologist Renan beside pit muck at Eastern Reef

Mini bulk samples southeast of Trench 1

Excavated 1 cubic metre mini bulk sample pit

Geologist Renan and VP Exploration Wesley excavating a mini bulk sample pit

Geologists, Renan and Nick with VP Exploration Wesley excavating a mini bulk sample pit


Presentation on Inventus' Rathbun Property


Inventus Board of Directors Tour