Survey Response #3

Q: “What are the next bulk sample targets on the property? How much will it cost? When will that program commence?”

A: Our idea is to bulk sample 10,000 tonnes (~1/10th of the total in our prospective permit) in the next program. The areas to focus on would be 007, Trench 1 and Eastern Reef. Hopefully the cost is negative (wink). The next sampling program requires an approved closure plan, which is a major permit provided by the government. We’ll keep everyone updated on our progress.

Q: “You announced your results and your opinion of encouragement and that more bulk sampling should be slated...........this is all good...................but there was no commentary with respect to the larger context of the how significant this result is to the bigger picture........was it representative of all of the surface expressions on the big of blanket these beds cover and average thickness.....some thing for a new investor to latch on to....... the scope of the project with some simple arithmetic !

A: Providing broad generalizations with grades, weights or volumes pretty quickly started looking like a pseudo resource statement…and that would get us in trouble. We are working on an updated NI 43-101 Technical Report (see Survey Response #1).

Investors can do simple arithmetic with information provided in our presentation and our latest news releases.



Pardo Leapfrog 3D Model


Survey Response #2